About Us

Do you often search for a virtual platform to meet credible exporters for your stationary needs? Or get worried about not having enough importers to sell your office supplies to?

Stationers 360 is a platform where genuine importers and exporters of stationery, school and office supplies meet and exchange contacts. With a growing presence in over 100 countries, we make it easier for you to find exporters or sell high-quality products.

Stationers 360 is a global site for importers looking to get quality stationery, school and office supplies from reliable exporters. Our platform allows you to post details of what you're looking for without revealing your contact information to exporters. However, you'll need to share your contact details with your preferred exporter by approving their contact request to initiate a conversation.

Stationers 360 is also a exporter-friendly platform where you can meet importers from around the globe, depending what they're looking for. As a exporter on Stationers 360, your contact details will remain confidential until you approve the contact request of a importer.

Stationers 360 simplifies the buying and selling process, reduces the stress of approaching people and eliminates fraud from business processes. 

Join our network of importers and exporters today to increase your reach and find business partners quickly.